Sponsored Funds

Investment Approach

Projects International's principals co-invest with third parties and apply the firm’s international expertise to identify investments and to manage them to reach their full potential.

We make direct international investment alongside Projects International at the “seed capital” level to obtain founders’ stakes in new entrepreneurial cross-border business opportunities.

By doing so, we intend to participate directly in dynamic touch-points of global venture creation by accessing and investing in carefully managed opportunities through  “seed capital” investment targeted at the highest risk and earliest stage of investment value creation, whereby small amounts of capital are deployed to stake the components of business start-ups that will qualify for and attract follow-on later stage capital funding.  We are committed solely to the purpose of making “seed capital” investments in multiple markets, which we believe will lead, in turn, to other opportunities for the investment of expansion capital through other vehicles.  Our goal is to build a portfolio of “founders’ stakes” in viable businesses that will attract follow-on capital to build out their business model.

As sponsor and manager, Projects International will:

·      source and participate in attractive seed opportunities in multiple business sectors and venues; and

·      be entrepreneurial in tandem with carefully selected local partners, and partners with requisite technical expertise, to drive and grow these seed opportunities.

Founders Fund I


Founders Fund II

in formation, 2014